Basic (Awareness level)
Meets or exceeds standards for NFPA 1670 for Awareness Level
Progressive Rope Rescue I
This course is recommended for rescue personnel who will be sent down to the injured party. Emphasis is on rappelling techniques, safety reaching, securing, stabilizing and packaging the patient for extraction.
The Course begins with an in-depth talk on safety rules, Rescue Equipment, Rescue Knots, Anchors and Anchoring Systems. The Class then moves outside to cover Rappelling, Belaying, Lowering, Self-Rescue and Pickoffs. The last day is spent reviewing Basic Mechanical Advantage Systems, Belays, Patient Packaging and Low Angle stretcher work. We will do a Low Angle rescue scenario that will bring it all together.
Intermediate Level (Operations Level)
Meets or exceeds standards for NFPA 1670 for Operations Level
Progressive Rescue Operations I
This class is recommended for rescue personnel who need knowledge of all facets of the rescue operation. The course is intended to build strong, safe foundation for the student’s participation on a high angle rope rescue team.
This course will cover the following: Safety rules, Equipment, Rescue Knots, Anchor Points and Systems, Lowering, Belaying, Rappelling, Self Rescue and Pick-Off Techniques. The student will learn Low and High Angle Stretcher rigging along with Patient Packaging. Basic Mechanical Advantage Systems as well as stretcher Raising and Lowering and Low/High Angle Stretcher Tending. The course includes multiple practice rescue scenarios.
Progressive Rescue Technician II
Meets the minimum standards for NFPA 1006 and 1070 for Rope Rescue Technician
Pre-requisite: Progressive Rope Rescue I ; Progressive Rescue Operations I
This course is for the operations level student who wishes to increase their level of knowledge. The class will update the student and present increasing difficult rescue scenarios. It is recommended that this course be taken at lease 6 months after attending the Progressive Operations I Course. This will allow the student time to participate in training and actual rescues.
This course begins with an introduction of new equipment and techniques. We will then review the care and maintenance of Rescue Equipment and Anchoring and Rescue Knots. The class then moves outside for hands on training in Knot Passing while on Rappel, Rappelling with a Brake Bar Rack and Pick-Offs. The student will work with Mechanical Advantage Systems, Highlines and Passing a knot through the system. This course also covers basic Confined Space Rope Rescue and Incident Command. The course includes multiple practical rescue scenarios with an increasing degree of difficulty
Progressive Rescue Technician I/II
Meets minimum standards for 1006 and 1070 for Rope Rescue Technician
Pre-requisite: None
Progressive Rescue Technician I/II: is a 40-hour course in Rope Rescue Techniques. The course was developed to enable the student to combine the Awareness, Operations and Technician level in a convenient five-day package. The course begins with a classroom review of Rescue Equipment, Knots, and Safety, the class then moves outside for “hands on” work with Anchoring, Belaying, Mechanical Advantage Raising Systems, Lowering Systems, Patient Packaging, Highlines and incident command. We will do as many High and Low Angle scenarios as time will permit.
Progressive Rescue Technician III
This course begins with a quick update and review of Equipment, Knots and Anchoring. The remainder of the course time will be spent in the field where the students must use their previous training to perform practice rescue scenarios involving the following situations: Low and High Angle, Below Grade, Highlines and Pendulums. The scenarios will get increasingly more difficult and will test the student’s Incident Command and management skills.
Progressive Rescue Technician IV Specialist
Pre-requisite for the VI class:
PRT I/II, PRT III, PRCST I/II, and the Belay and testing seminar. No Exceptions.
This class was designed to meet the requests by students who desire to further their education using the well-tested PRS, Inc methods. The class will begin with an intense review of
Rescue Equipment, Anchoring, Knots, Mechanical Advantage Systems and Patient Packaging. The course will then progress to multiple scenarios designed to test the limits of both the student’s knowledge and the ability to deal with adverse situations. As with the PRT III class, all students will be expected to function as Incident Commander, as well as perform all jobs necessary to the rescue process. Scenarios may include Highlines, Pendulums, Knot Passes, Self-Rescue and Rope Climbing. This class will be both physically and mentally demanding so come prepared. Class size is limited to 15 students
Confined Space Technician Courses
PRS, Inc.; offers Confined Space courses than conform to all current OSHA Standards and meets or exceeds the NFPA 1006 and 1670 Confined Space Technician qualifications. These courses were designed to train the rescue team dealing with rescue and or recovery. We expect all students to be familiar with the OSHA confined space regulations. This course will make them proficient in the following. Confined Space assessment, Pre-entry Operations, Atmospheric Testing, SAR Systems, Flash Protection, PPE, Lock Out Tag Out and Blank-Out Procedures, Ventilation and Communications.
Progressive Rescue Confined Space Awareness (entrant, awareness level)
This course will introduce the student to the 1920.146 OSHA confined space regulations and will make then proficient in the following: Confined Space Assessment, Pre-entry Operations, Atmospheric Operations, SAR Breathing Apparatuses, Flash Protection, Personal Protective Equipment, Lock Out Tag Out and Blank out Procedures and Communications.
Progressive Rescue Confined Space Technician. I/II
Meets or exceeds the NFPA 1006 and 1670 Confined Space Technician Qualifications.
Pre-requisite: Student must be familiar with the 1910-146 OSHA standards for confined space entry.
This course is recommend for rescue personnel who will run and or be sent down to the injured party. Emphasis is on Lowering and Raising Techniques, safely reaching, securing, stabilizing and packaging the patient for extraction while in a confined space.
The course begins with an in-depth talk covering the 1910.146 standard. We then move on to Safety Rules, Rescue Equipment, Rescue Knots, Anchors, and Anchoring Systems. The class then moves outside to cover Rising and Lowering Systems, Belaying, Securing and Packaging the patient, Stretcher Rigging (head-up and horizontal) the rest of the class is spent performing multiple rescue scenarios covering different types of rescues. If available we will use SAR’s for every evolution.
Progressive Rescue Confined Space Technician III
This course begins with a quick update and review of Equipment, Knots and Anchoring. The remainder of the course time will be spent in the field where the students must use their previous training to perform practice scenarios involving the following situations: Confined Space Packaging, Raising and Lowering Systems for Confined Space applications. The scenarios become increasingly more difficult and will test the student’s knowledge of Incident Command and Management. We will do the entire class using supplied air systems.
Fall Protection and Tower Rescue Courses.
Progressive Fall Protection. 16 Hours.
Tower and Antenna Rescue I/II 40 Hours.
Progressive Fall Protection I
This Class is an introduction to the 1926.500-503 OSHA standards for fall protection. We will cover in detail the proper use and care of fall protection equipment. The course with then proceed on to Climbing scenarios.
Progressive Rescue Tower/Antenna I/II
Pre requisite: Progressive Rescue Technician I/II
This class was designed to meet the requests from fire departments for a simple solution to Tower/Antenna Rescue. The class will begin with a review of the 1926.500-503 OSHA standard for fall protection; also discussed in detail will be the OSHA approved equipment necessary to access the patient. There will be a review of Rope Rescue Equipment, Anchoring, Knots, Mechanical Advantage Systems and Patient Packaging. We will then progress to multiple scenarios designed to test the limits of both the student’s knowledge and ability to deal with adverse situations. This class will be both physically and mentally demanding, so come prepared. Class size is limited to 18 students.